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How long does it take to make an engagement ring?

Choosing the perfect engagement ring can be incredibly overwhelming. With so many different styles, finishes and designs available, it can be difficult to pick out the perfect ring, particularly if you find yourself liking different elements from different rings.

With this in mind, when the time comes to pop the question, many people decide to get an engagement ring made.

This bespoke option not only ensures that your partner gets a truly unique ring, but it also allows you to bring together different design elements to create something that’s truly perfect.

So, how long does it take to make an engagement ring?

Once you’ve selected on the perfect diamond (or diamonds!), the order goes into the production stage where the CAD image is made for approval, before going into casting.

On average, custom engagement rings take approximately 2 -4 weeks to complete, with the most time-consuming aspect being the design process. Of course, you can expect more intricate designs to take a little longer.

And always leave enough time for alterations to be made too!

What does the process of making an engagement ring involve?

Step 1 – Designing the ring

Every custom-made engagement ring starts its journey as a vision or idea. In the early stages of the design process, the designer will bring your ideas to life, sketching out your design or using CAD to show you what your design will look like.

Once you’re happy with the design and believe that the designer has captured how you envisage the engagement ring looking, the manufacturing process will begin.

Step 2 – Wax model making and casting

Once the design has been finalised, a wax model is then made of the ring using wax carving tools. This process allows you to see a replica of the ring design and how it will look in real life.

A plaster mould is then made of the wax model, this serves as a casting model for the next stage of the process.

Step 3 – Preparing and sizing the rings

When it comes to preparing and sizing the rings, castings are removed individually and prepared for sizing. The process of sizing a ring involves gently tapping it with a hammer whilst it is heated to size it correctly.

Step 4 – Pre-polishing

During the pre-polishing process, the main goal is to ensure that the ring looks as good as possible. In order to achieve the perfect finish, different grade polishing compounds and mops are used to prepare the ring for setting.

Step 5 – Setting diamonds or gemstones

If you have chosen to use multiple diamonds as part of your bespoke engagement ring, the setting can take a little longer than setting one individual diamond. This is because all diamonds need to be measured and matched by highly skilled experts using specialist tools.

Step 6 – Polishing and Rhodium plating the ring

Once the diamonds have been set, the ring is then polished using special finer polishing compounds that achieve the perfect finish. Many customers also request that their ring is Rhodium plated in order to protect the metal from scratching.

Finally, the ring is passed through quality control and checked under 10x magnification to ensure that it is perfectly designed from every angle.

If you’re thinking about designing you ideal engagement ring, get in touch with our expert team to discuss your ideas!

